Mawuh team in Montreal, QC Canada, sharing delicious healthy and warm meals to LOGIFEM, a homeless shelter for women and children in difficulty. Our Little way of releasing some COVID-19 hardships

Refreshment after some cooking lessons with youths in the community

A workshop to guide and encourage Refugees and newly arrived immigrants in Montreal on what to do to self sustain themselves.

Having light Refreshment with Ulranian refugees after taking them around the city to show them how to use urban transportation

Home baked pastries from Mawuh Kitchen. Putting smiles on the battered and homeless women and children at LOGIFEM Montreal

Mawuh’s COVID-19 Prevention Campaign. Donating liquid soap and bleach to community and healthcare centers
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COVID-19 Prevention Campaign
Workshop on the PREVENTION OF COVID-19 - August 2021. At the Community Career Academy Secondary School Ikom, a Mawuh [...]
Refugee women and girls empowerment in pastry making to help reduce poverty and encourage a dignified life among women [...]
Girl Power – Seamstress Training
Skill training in Dress making for refugee women and girls
SUPPORT MAWUH GLOBAL SOLUTIONS SHOOL PROJECT Mawuh has never relented. In favorable seasons or unfavorable seasons we stick by [...]